I’ve made some candies—will you be my guinea pig?
I’ve made some candies—will you be my guinea pig?
The antisera against purified goatpox virus were obtained from rabbits and guinea pigs.
The sinuatrial node(SAN) and the atrioventricular node(AVN) were observed in 5 guinea pigs with a transmissive electron microscope.
Methods Cochlea stria was separated by micrergy from guinea pigs and the stria tissue nubbles were cultured in vitro.
方法 采用显微解剖法分离出耳蜗血管纹,组织培养法进行体外培养。
MATERIALS AND METHODSMaterials: 12healthy, otomicroscopically normal guinea pigs weighing 250 - 300g and with a normal Preyer reflex were used.
While all antibiotics will affect the gut flora of a guinea pig, some are deadly and can cause a fatal enterotoxemia.
Objective:To study and introduce a new manometric method to determine the pressure during contraction and relaxation of isolated smooth muscle from trachea of guinea pig.
OBJECTIVE To observe the effects of fetal bovine serum (FBS) and artificial perilymph (APL) on the differentiation of neural stem cells from newborn fetal guinea pigs.
CONCLUSION The action of gandanning on inhibiting the development of CS in guinea pigs should be contributed to its resisting the produce of pathogenetic lithogenous bile by regulating liver function.
结论 肝胆宁通过对肝脏功能的调节,阻止其产生病理性致石胆汁而达到抑制CS形成。